Vampire Facial
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A vampire or Dracula facial is the catchy term for a PRP facial, which involves taking a sample of blood from your body (usually from your arm), spinning it in a machine to separate the plasma and the red blood cells, and then injecting or microblading the plasma back into your face.
The machine gets rid of the red blood cells to leave a clear liquid – the platelet rich plasma – which then gets pushed into the skin through tiny injections or microneedling.
Why? Because stem cells or PRP are magical for skin regeneration. They encourage healing and replenishing, meaning that they can be used for everything from reducing scars and stretch marks to getting rid of wrinkles. You’ll often hear of stem cell treatments being used for burn victims or those with serious scars – the PRP facial is about taking this advanced medicine and using it for cosmetic benefits.
The treatment will leave you with increased collagen levels, smoother, fuller skin, and improved skin health, as well as reducing the appearance of scars and fine lines.
res) we coat the face and neck with carbon nanoparticles. Following this, a layer of liquid carbon is applied to the skin to penetrate deeply into the pores. A laser light is applied over the area, attracted and destroying the carbon particles to remove dead skin cells, contaminants, and oil.
Carbon targets the deeper layers of the skin to stimulate collagen production, which produces firmer and plumper skin. We can reduce fine lines and wrinkles and leave your skin tighter, which gives you a radiant glow.
The heat that is produced in carbon peels has other benefits, which includes reducing P. acnes bacteria, which prevents outbreaks of acne. It can also help shrink the sebaceous glands (oil-producing glands), resulting in less oil production and reducing the risk of the building up of pores. You can have this treatment on any part of the body, including the back and chest.”

- Erase or reduce scars caused by acne
- Tighten sagging or wrinkled under eye skin
- Improve stretch marks or cellulite
- Create a more youthful glow
- Increase collagen levels and production
- Promote healthy skin regeneration
- Skin looks and feels firmer
- Reduce fine lines and scars

Vampire Facial $150
You may experience some discomfort during the procedure. Although a numbing cream is applied to the face some patients do experience mild pain– particularly around sensitive areas like the hairline, mouth, and eyes.
The results of this facial are long lasting but not permanent. The growth factor in the platelets causes increased collagen production but, due to the normal again process, collagen depletes.
It is recommended to return for a further Vampire Facial every 6 – 12 months
As with any medical procedure, there are certain precautions you need to take. We recommend you avoid any strenuous activity for a day or two after the treatment.
Some swelling may occur and it is advisable to sleep with your head supported by a pillow on the first night post-treatment
Remember, your skin is tender and needs protection as part of the aftercare for Vampire facial.
- Avoid tanning beds, steam or sauna rooms, jacuzzis, hot showers, or any other activity that involves heating the skin.
- Avoid any kind of skincare products that can cause damage or peeling
“Because of it’s excellent safety profile, it’s more appropriate to think in terms of side effects than risks.
And there are, as with all non-surgical treatments, some side effects associated with the Vampire Facial. These usually show up pretty quickly after your treatment, and include swelling, bruising and redness. You might also experience some tenderness at the injection sites, which is perfectly normal.
All these side effects should resolve themselves within a few days, but may take a little longer – up to a week or so. But to help them along, your practitioner will give you some advice.
Typically, you’ll be told to:
Apply cold compresses to bring down any swelling.
Use over the counter painkillers to relieve any soreness if you need to.
You’ll probably find, like most patients do, that you can go straight back to all your usual activities after having treatment.
To keep yourself comfortable, you’ll want to be gentle with the injection sites. So take extra care when washing, applying moisturiser and make up etc in the days after your treatment.
By and large, it’s an extremely safe treatment with minimal side effects that are quite easy to manage.
That said, it’s fair to say that not every skin treatment will be suitable for everybody. And Vampire Facials do have their own contra-indications to bear in mind.